Uruguay - the small, but beautiful neighbour full of history, maté and friendly people. // Uruguay - el pequeño, pero hermoso vecino lleno de historia, maté y gente amable. // Uruguay - malá krajina obklopená obrami, ale plná histórie, maté a milých ľudí.
...First part of our article about the beautiful Buenos Aires - "The Paris of South America"
...[[Here it is - our last wedding we've documented in South America in Medellin, Colombia. Have a look and enjoy our photos from this beautiful paisa wedding :) /// Aquí está - nuestra última boda que documentamos in América del Sur - en Medellín, Colombia....
World's largest colony of parrots on Argentinian east coast. Sounds intriguing? Check it out :)
...Overlanding the long east coast of Argentina - 3000km from Ushuaia to Buenos Aires. Part I :)
...Exploring the Chilean Patagonia, on our way to the southernmost city in the world.
...[[Our second wedding in South America was the absolute opposite of the first one. Located in a small village near Temuco, we felt privileged, that we were able to document this small and intimate wedding. Have a look :) /// Nuestra segunda boda Suramericana fue...
[[ Our first South American wedding - magnificent in every single way. Have a look :) /// Nuestra primera boda Suramericana - absolutamente espléndida. Le invitamos a ver las fotos :) /// Naša prvá juhoamerická svadba, ktorá presiahla všetky naše očakávania, bola jednoducho nádherná. Pozrite...
Car Hunting II - we came, we paid, we got. With some minor issues on the way.